11th Frame Arcade
Welcome to Northwest Illinois Largest and BEST arcade… the 11th Frame Arcade!
Come enjoy the latest and greatest redemption games, play with your friends, and WIN some great prizes while having FUN!
Birthday parties… we are THE place so get yours booked today.
Bring the family. Bring your friends. Let’s Play!
The 11th Frame Arcade.

Lab Pro Shop
When looking for bowling equipment - you need the person who knows your game. The LAB Pro Shop is the newest, latest, greatest way to get anything bowling. We carry the newest bowling balls, as well as, shoes, bags, and accessories. We also drill, plug, resurface, polish, and even detox bowling balls! With many years of experience and understanding of coverstocks, weight blocks, and pin placement - not to mention an in-depth knowledge of hand placement and pitches .. we guarantee we can match you to the best ball for you with the perfect fit. Stop in to The LAB today!
Monday - 1pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday - 5:30pm - 8pm
Wednesday - 10am - Noon
4pm - 6pm
Thursday - 5pm - 8pm
Friday - 9am - 11am
3pm - 5pm
Saturday Hours by Appt.

1100 W Galena Ave
Freeport, IL 61032
Tel: 815-235-6145
Business Hours
4 Seasons:
Sunday - Noon - 9pm
Monday -Noon - 9pm
Tuesday - Noon - 9pm
Wed. - 10:00am - 9pm
Thursday - Noon - 9pm
Friday - 9:00am - 11pm
Saturday - Noon - 11pm
Jumpin Joes:
Sunday - 11am - 10pm
Monday - 11 am - 11pm
Tuesday - 11 am - 11pm
Wednesday - 11 am - 11pm
Thursday - 11 am - Midnight
Friday - 11 am - Midnight
Saturday - 11am - Midnight
Sunday - Closed
Monday - 7 am - 9pm
Tuesday - 7 am - 9pm
Wednesday - 7 am - 9pm
Thursday - 7 am - 9pm
Friday - 7 am - 11pm
Saturday - 11am - 11pm
11th Frame Arcade:
Sunday - Noon - 9pm
Monday -Noon - 9pm
Tuesday - Noon - 9pm
Wednesday - 10am - 9pm
Thursday - Noon - 9pm
Friday - 9am - 11pm
Saturday - Noon - 11pm
The Lab Pro Shop:
Monday - 1pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday - 5:30pm - 8pm
Wed. - 10am-Noon; 4pm-6pm
Thursday - 5pm - 8pm
Friday - 9am-11am; 3pm-5pm
Saturday by Appointment
Go Bowling!!